HPD Building Department Violations
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Home With HPD Violations

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Author: 718 REA

Selling A Home With HPD Violations: Sell The Property As-Is

The New York City’s Housing Preservation and Development initiative is a venture into the housing market. It has highlighted multiple violations, known as HPD violations, which indicate whether your property is environmentally safe and sustainable. The most challenging aspect is the impact of these HPD violations on your property.

Dealing with HPD Violations

There is nothing you, as a homeowner, can do to close a complaint against the violations that you have made, knowingly or unknowingly. You can patiently wait for the Building Department to undertake an investigation, and for the complaint to be closed by administrative measures. When an HPD violation is issued, the property manager can undertake certain steps to resolve the violation and have it removed. However, this venture is expensive, challenging, and lengthy.

It is important to note that an open violation does have an impact on the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and it can impact your ability to sell your property, or refinance your home.

If you have landed yourself in hot water with multiple NYC Building Department or HPD violations, you have two options:

 1. Sell the property as-is with the violations.
 2. Resolve the violations and sell your home at retail value.

Sell Your Property As-Is

As experienced real estate experts, we have catered to multiple clients who have been stressed out after facing the financial and legal complications that can ensue after being slapped with building department violations. HPD violations can lead to an incredibly complicated situation, and in such a scenario, we advise you to sell off your house as-is and disentangle yourself from this situation entirely.

Naturally, attracting potential buyers and putting your house on the market with open violations is yet another stressful endeavor. However, if you choose to partner with 718 Real Estate Advisors, we will make sure the process is quick and breezy.

We specialize in arranging quick sales in exchange for prompt cash payments, and we cater to clients who need to sell off their properties without any unnecessary delays. Our clients come from all walks of life and have their own personal and financial reasons to arrange a quick sale. While some of our clients struggle with building department violations, others struggle with debt, sudden unemployment and the threat of a foreclosure.

We provide homeowners faced with HPD violations the opportunity to sell off their house as-is. You will not be required to undertake any repairs or make any structural changes to your property. We will take your house as-is, in exchange for a prompt cash payment. Feel free to get in touch with our team for a detailed consultation.

When Would You Like To Sell Your House?

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Reason To Sell