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Avoid Foreclosure

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Author: 718 REA

Faced with a Foreclosure: How can you avoid Losing your House to the Bank?

A foreclosure is the most devastating and challenging situation for a homeowner. Naturally, no homeowner has ever envisioned the possibility of losing his/her home to the lender after defaulting on the mortgage payments. However, such a situation can occur after a divorce, loss of income, economic downturn, ongoing recession, or financial breakdown.

Foreclosures lead to a financially crippling situation that leaves a negative impact on your credit report and wellbeing and leaves you homeless if you have no other property. Many homeowners who are struggling against foreclosure have no other assets or income aside from their house. Therefore, when faced with the possibility of losing your house to the bank or lender, it is important to take the pragmatic decision of selling it yourself.

Avoiding a Foreclosure

You can avoid foreclosure by organizing a sale of your home without involving the bank or lender before your house heads towards a foreclosure, which will accompany a wide array of financial and legal complications, engage a realtor, and organize a short sale.

This short sale process will help you recover the amount that you owe to the bank, alongside saving some additional cash to help you escape the possibility of being homeless. You can put that money away towards renting a new house or apartment for your family. Many banks and lenders are willing to compromise on the entire loan amount and settle for a substantial amount if the borrower can prove the cause of hardship.

Organizing a short sale is in your best interest as it will help you eliminate your debt, alongside preventing the bank or lender from ruining your credit report and your financial reputation. In the future, you can build up your financial strength and apply for another mortgage loan to finance your next home buying investment. However, if the bank files for foreclosure, it will leave a terrible impact on your credit history and financial reputation.

A Realtor Specialized in Foreclosures

You cannot undertake the journey of organizing a short sale to avoid losing your house to the bank all by yourself. You need the assistance, experience, and resources of a professional who specializes in foreclosures and pre-foreclosure sales. Such an individual can help you list your house on the market and present potential buyers who are willing to make lucrative cash offers.

The majority of our clients are faced with adversities and hardships, of which foreclosures are one of the most common occurrences. We have worked with a large number of clients who are faced with the challenging situation of losing their house to the bank if they fail to orchestrate a timely sale.

Therefore, we can present you with unique and pragmatic strategies to ensure a profitable sale. We help our clients sell their house fast for cash. The homeowners do not have to worry about undertaking any repairs. And our services do not accompany any hidden payments or additional fees.

When Would You Like To Sell Your House?

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